Why should we care about Indoor Air Quality ?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is equally – if not more – important than outdoor air quality when it comes to people’s health. Many studies and research have shown that IAQ is frequently much worse than outdoor air quality in even some of the most polluted areas, such as city centers. In fact, the indoor air in our schools, offices, commercial malls and factories can be twice, or even five times more polluted than outdoor air.

It’s not only the quality of the air that matters, but also the amount of time we spend in it. We’re spending more and more of our time indoor . But instead of being safer from pollutants, we’re more exposed than ever and despite greater awareness of airborne diseases, we continue to share contaminated air in public spaces.

What causes poor Indoor Air Quality ?

The level of IAQ within a building can be affected by many factors including humidity, odours, chemicals, and outdoor air particles that are trapped within buildings. More specifically, factors such as mould, leadcased paints, second hand smoke and high levels of CO2 can create unhealthy and even dangerous living conditions.

In recent years, IAQ has also been significantly affected by the dramatic increase in the air tightness of modern buildings. While making buildings more airtight will indeed ensure they are more energy efficient, it will also make it much harder for polluted air to escape.


A badly ventilated building is a sick building and will inevitably lead to ill occupants. Poor IAQ can pose serious health risks – in the short term can lead to coughing, sneezing, fatigue and headaches, and in the long run, is connected with a range of undesirable health effects.

People who spend a lot of time in poorly ventilated rooms have a 50% higher risk of developing allergies.


We aren’t that hard to find just follow the teh tarik smell and twang of Malaysian voices in the air!